Science With No Interruptions

Frank Ruffino
1 min readSep 22, 2020


Antoine Lavoisier was obviously brilliant and made discoveries far ahead of his time, helping to bring science where it is today. So, without taking away from his intelligence or impact, I will mention that he was definitely at an advantage relative for others for various reasons. First off, he was a male living in the mid 1700’s. This alone speaks for itself, as men were lawfully advantaged, as well as favored in the science field by far. Not only was he a man, but he was a white man, making the situation work even more in his favor. But regardless of gender and ethnicity, Lavoisier was still benefiting from his life relative to other scientists. Due to his father being a wealthy lawyer, Antoine Lavoisier was a man of wealth. This resulted in him first pursuing a law degree (to please his family), then being accepted into France’s best science school. Futher, this wealth not only provided ample education, but it allowed him to buy and design contraptions that were rare and expensive at the time. With these, his work was more efficient and effective, aiding him in drawing conclusions about things like combustion, and oxygens usage in reactions. Without these benefits, it’s impossible to say whether or not Lavoisier would have made the same discoveries, but it can be said that his situation surely made life easier, and helped him to avoid any prejudices throughout the scientific processes.



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