Frank Ruffino
Oct 18, 2020

Three Ideas

1. Standpoint theory

Specific instances of times when the focus of science was narrowed due to the majorities agenda

“What are some examples of this and how do you know”

Standpoint theory gives the ideology, Marie Curie and other sources being examples

Halpern, M. (2019). Feminist standpoint theory and science communication. Journal of Science Communication, 18(4), C02. 10.22323/2.18040302

Redniss, L. (2015). Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout. Harper Collins.

2. Who the leaders in science are/who is painted to be the leaders

Mainly white men; problem has improved but is not nearly perfect

Hidden Figures exposes this, also modern day science examples

Marie Curie contradicts this in a sense, still impacted by it

Redniss, L. (2015). Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout. Harper Collins.

Watch Melfi, T. (2017, January 6). Hidden Figures [Biography, Drama, History]. Fox
2000 Pictures, Chernin Entertainment, Levantine Films.

Barres, B. A. (2006). Does gender matter? Nature, 442(7099), 133–136. https://

3. The results (good and bad) of a scientific breakthrough

What are some discoveries that unexpectedly changed the world? Are the scientists responsible for these changes?

Draw on history of atomic bomb

Space race, World War II, radioactivity, x-rays

Redniss, L. (2015). Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout. Harper Collins.

Watch Melfi, T. (2017, January 6). Hidden Figures [Biography, Drama, History]. Fox
2000 Pictures, Chernin Entertainment, Levantine Films.

Copenhagen. (2002). BBC Worldwide Learning.

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